Does Dreaming about Poop Good Luck or Bad Luck? and Explore Myths

Is Dreaming about Poop Good Luck or Bad Luck

Have you ever had a dream in which you walked on or were surrounded by poop? You’d be surprised to learn that poop dreams are really pretty common, but they may be extremely unpleasant. These dreams can be interpreted as either good or bad luck, according to some people who think they have a deeper meaning. In this article, we will explore the different interpretations of dreaming about poop and will learn Is Dreaming about Poop is Good Luck or Bad Luck?.

Interpretations of Dreaming about Poop or Feces Good Luck or Bad Luck

Interpretations of Dreaming about Poop or Feces Good Luck or Bad Luck

1- Good Luck

Poop dreams can be interpreted as good luck, believe it or not. Poop is a sign of wealth and fortune in several civilizations. People in ancient China, for instance, thought that if you dreamed of poop, you’ll either get rich or rise to power. Dreaming about poop may portend the prospect of expanding your family because, in some cultures, poop is also related to fertility.

2- Bad Luck

Dreaming about poop, on the other hand, can also be interpreted as a sign of bad luck. Poop is connected with illness and filth in many cultures. The presence of poop in your dreams may be a sign that you are feeling filthy or that something in your life is giving you tension and anxiety. Additionally, it can be a signal that you need to take better care of yourself or let go of something that is no longer beneficial to you.

3- Psychological Interpretation

Dreaming about poop can have deeper psychological significance. It can be a reflection of your emotional condition and the circumstances you are now facing. As an illustration, you might dream about poop as a means to manage your emotions if you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Alternatively, having a dream about poop could be a sign that you are feeling guilty or ashamed about something.

The Symbolism of Poop as Good luck or Bad luck in Dreams

Cultural Interpretations:

  • Eastern Cultures: In many Asian cultures, dreaming of poop is often associated with good fortune. It’s believed that such dreams predict financial luck, implying that you might come into some unexpected wealth or opportunities.
  • Western Perspectives: While Western interpretations can vary, some view it as a release of toxic emotions or thoughts, essentially cleansing oneself.

Psychological Perspectives:

  • Freudian View: Sigmund Freud, in his theory of psychoanalysis, associated fecal matter with possession, pride, and shame. He interpreted these dreams as a sign of relief or a release from repressed feelings.
  • Jungian Interpretation: Carl Jung, another prominent psychoanalyst, considered such elements in dreams as a sign of seeking purification and renewal.

What Does It Mean to Dream About Poop?

  1. Financial Prosperity:
    • Examples from Texts: Numerous dream interpretation books and folklore suggest that dreaming of feces could predict an increase in money, essentially saying “where there’s muck, there’s brass.

Check out my article on Dreaming about Poop Means Money or Wealth?

  1. Letting Go of Negativities:
    • Psychological Insight: It might signify the expulsion of negative emotions or toxic aspects of one’s life, leading to a more positive and refreshed waking life.
  2. Health and Wellness:
    • Cultural Beliefs: In some traditions, such dreams might indicate getting rid of ailments or worries about health, suggesting an upcoming period of good physical health.

Analyzing Dream Scenarios Involving Poop or Stool

  • Dreaming of Stepping on Poop:
    • Often considered a sign of good luck. It’s believed that this indicates overcoming obstacles and achieving success through unexpected means.
  • Seeing Poop in Unusual Places:
    • Might symbolize surprise wealth from an unexpected source.
  • Cleaning Up Poop:
    • It can imply that you are clearing out your problems and overcoming negative emotions or situations.

Myths Surrounding Dreams About Stool: Good Luck and Bad Luck

Myth 1: A Universal Sign of Wealth

  • Good Luck Aspect: A prevalent myth is that dreaming of stool universally signifies impending wealth. This interpretation suggests an unexpected financial gain or prosperity is on the horizon.
  • Reality Check: While many cultures do associate feces with prosperity, the interpretation is highly contextual and varies significantly across different societies and individuals.

Myth 2: Stepping on Poop Guarantees Fortune

  • Good Luck Aspect: A common belief is that if you dream of stepping on poop, it’s a sure sign of good luck, particularly in financial matters.
  • Reality Check: This interpretation is mostly cultural. In reality, such dreams might reflect one’s feelings about overcoming obstacles or messy situations in life rather than predicting actual good fortune.

Myth 3: Poop Dreams Indicate Health Issues

  • Bad Luck Aspect: Contrary to the good luck charms, some believe dreaming about stool indicates health issues, reflecting the body’s internal state.
  • Reality Check: While it’s important to consider personal health, dreams about feces are rarely direct predictors of illness. Often, they symbolize the need to eliminate unhealthy aspects of life rather than indicating physical health problems.

Myth 4: Cleaning Up Poop Brings Misfortune

  • Bad Luck Aspect: Some interpret the act of cleaning up poop in dreams as a sign of encountering unpleasant tasks or bad luck in the near future.
  • Reality Check: This myth might stem from the undesirable nature of the task. However, from a psychological perspective, cleaning up poop can symbolize resolving issues and cleansing one’s life of negative influences, thus potentially leading to a positive outcome.

In understanding these myths, it’s crucial to approach dream interpretation with a nuanced perspective. Dreams are deeply personal experiences influenced by individual subconscious thoughts, cultural background, and life circumstances. Therefore, while these myths provide a fascinating insight into human psychology and culture, they should be considered as part of a broader, more personalized interpretation rather than definitive truths.


In conclusion, a dream about poop might be interpreted in a variety of ways. Some people may interpret it as a sign of good luck, while others may interpret it as a sign of bad luck. From a psychological standpoint, it might be an expression of your current emotional state and circumstances. The secret is to pay close attention to your dreams and attempt to decipher any messages they may be trying to convey. Whether you view it as good or bad luck, there’s no denying that dreaming about poop is an intriguing subject.


  1. Books and Texts:
    • “The Interpretation of Dreams” by Sigmund Freud
    • “Man and His Symbols” by Carl Jung
  2. Cultural Studies:
    • Various cultural folklore and dream interpretation guides from Eastern and Western perspectives.

You may also read : Biblical Meaning of Seeing Feces in a Dream – References


What does it mean if you dream about poop?

Depending on cultural norms and individual experiences, having a poop-related dream might imply various things. It could be interpreted as a reflection of your emotional condition, good or bad luck, or both.

Is it bad luck to dream about poop?

Dreaming about poop is considered bad luck in some cultures. It’s crucial to remember that dream interpretation is highly individualized and subjective.

What do poop dreams symbolize?

Numerous things, including wealth, fortune, fertility, filth, and disease, can be represented by poop in dreams. Depending on personal experiences and cultural ideas, the interpretation may change.

How can I interpret my poop dreams?

You can keep a dream journal, search for patterns, and take into account your emotional condition both before and after the dream to interpret your poop dreams. It’s crucial to keep in mind that dream interpretation is extremely subjective and individualized.

Are poop dreams common?

Yes, having poop dreams is really common. At some time in their life, a lot of people claim to have had a dream about poop.

Should I be worried if I have recurring poop dreams?

It may be a sign that something in your life needs attention if you frequently have poop dreams. Investigating the underlying feelings or events that might be driving the dreams to return might be a good approach.


  • Olivia Davis

    Olivia Davis is a well-respected author and expert in the field of dream interpretation. With over 10 years of experience in the profession, she has helped countless individuals unlock the hidden meanings behind their dreams and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their subconscious minds. Over the years, Olivia has honed her skills as a dream analyst, attending workshops and conferences, and reading extensively on the topic. She has a deep understanding of the symbolism and significance of dreams and has helped many individuals gain insight into their lives through dream interpretation.

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