Biblical Meaning of Seeing Feces in a Dream | Common Myths and Their Disputations

Biblical Meaning of Seeing Feces in a Dream - References

Have you ever had a feces-related dream? Have you ever wondered what it might mean? Even while dreams involving feces are sometimes highly unsettling, they do have deeper spiritual meaning. In this article, we will discuss the biblical meaning of seeing feces in a dream.

Understanding Biblical Dream Interpretation

Dreams have historically been a crucial aspect of human existence. They frequently have hidden meanings and shed light on our life. God spoke to His people via dreams in the Bible. Deciphering what dreams mean requires understanding biblical dream interpretation.

Biblical Meaning of Seeing Feces in a Dream

Spiritual Purification and Mortal Existence

In biblical terms, encountering feces in a dream often symbolizes the need to eliminate waste or sin from one’s life, reflecting a journey towards spiritual purification. In the Old Testament, excrement is frequently mentioned in the context of cleanliness laws, particularly in Deuteronomy 23:12-14, where the disposal of human waste is discussed to maintain the holiness of the camp. This passage symbolizes the need to remove impurity from one’s spiritual life.

Biblical Meaning of Seeing Feces in a Dream

Signs of Wealth and Abundance

Conversely, feces in dreams can also symbolize wealth and abundance, as per the paradoxical nature of biblical interpretations. Proverbs 14:4 states, “Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.” Here, the presence of animal feces implies prosperity and plentiful harvest, as it is used to fertilize crops. This reflects the belief that encountering feces in a dream might unexpectedly signal future wealth or blessings.

Biblical References:

  • Old Testament Insight:
    • Deuteronomy 23:12-14: Emphasizing cleanliness and spiritual purity.
    • Proverbs 14:4: Associating animal waste with agricultural prosperity.
  • New Testament Perspective:
    • Matthew 15:17-20: Jesus speaks about what defiles a person, associating spiritual impurity not with what enters but what exits the body, further implying the metaphorical ‘excrement’ of sinful deeds and thoughts.

Interpretation and Caution:

While interpreting dreams, it’s crucial to approach with caution and seek a holistic understanding. Dreams are highly personal and can be influenced by numerous factors including one’s own spiritual state, life context, and emotions. The Bible doesn’t provide explicit interpretations for specific dream symbols, including feces, but offers principles and wisdom that can guide understanding.

Modern Application and Reflection:

In light of biblical interpretations, seeing feces in a dream encourages reflection on one’s life. Here are key points for personal contemplation:

  • Purification: What impurities or ‘waste’ do I need to eliminate from my life? Consider habits, thoughts, or relationships that may be toxic or sinful.
  • Unexpected Blessings: Am I overlooking potential blessings in my life? Reflect on aspects of life that may seem burdensome but could be hidden sources of abundance.
  • Humility and Mortality: Am I reminded of my mortal and humble state? Consider how this dream reflects the human condition and the need for spiritual humility.

Different Interpretations of Dreams about Feces in Christianity

Depending on the circumstances and specifics of the dream, interpretations of dreams involving feces can vary. The following are a few interpretations:

1. Dream Scenario: Feces in a Church

  • In this dream, an individual sees a pile of feces inside a church. Interpretation: This dream may symbolize a sense of impurity or sin infiltrating a sacred space. It could be a call to examine one’s actions and behaviors within the church community and seek spiritual cleansing and repentance.

2. Dream Scenario: Eating Feces

  • Someone dreams of eating feces or being forced to do so. Interpretation: This dream can be interpreted as a warning against engaging in sinful or morally reprehensible actions. It serves as a reminder to resist temptation and make righteous choices in life.

3. Dream Scenario: Cleaning Feces

  • An individual dreams of diligently cleaning feces from a place. Interpretation: This dream may signify a desire for purification and transformation. It suggests a willingness to rid oneself of negative influences or behaviors and embrace a more virtuous and renewed life.

4. Dream Scenario: Feces Falling from the Sky

  • In this dream, feces rain down from the sky and cover everything. Interpretation: This dream can be seen as a symbolic representation of spiritual attack or contamination from external sources. It reminds the dreamer to seek divine protection, resist negative influences, and maintain spiritual purity.

5. Dream Scenario: Feces as a Path

  • Someone dreams of walking on a path made of feces. Interpretation: This dream could be interpreted as a call to avoid paths that lead to moral degradation and instead choose the righteous path in life. It underscores the importance of living in accordance with Christian values.

6. Dream Scenario: Feces in a Garden

  • In this dream, feces are found in a beautiful garden. Interpretation: The presence of feces in a beautiful setting may symbolize the need to confront and acknowledge one’s own imperfections and sins even in the most idyllic aspects of life. It serves as a reminder of human frailty and the importance of humility.

7. Dream Scenario: Repentance After Seeing Feces

  • A dreamer sees feces and feels a strong sense of remorse and repentance. Interpretation: This dream is a clear call to repentance. It signifies a recognition of one’s sins and the need to seek forgiveness and turn back to God for spiritual renewal and reconciliation.

8. Dream Scenario: Feces Blocking a Path

  • Someone dreams of a path blocked by feces, preventing progress. Interpretation: This dream can be interpreted as a warning against allowing sin and impurity to hinder one’s spiritual journey. It emphasizes the importance of removing obstacles and staying on the path of righteousness.

How to Respond to Dreams about Feces?

Though they might be rather unsettling, dreams concerning feces can also present a chance for spiritual development. You can take the following actions in response to feces-related dreams:


Ask God to make the meaning of the dream clear to you and to grant you the discernment and fortitude necessary to react appropriately.


If the dream shows you are walking in sin, turn from it and repent if necessary.

Let Go

If your dream suggests that there is something you are clinging onto that is not healthy for you, let go of it.

Seek Counsel

Consult a reputable spiritual leader for advice if you are unsure of what the dream means.

Myths of Seeing Feces in a Dream in Christianity

Biblical Perspectives on Dreams

Dreams are often seen as mediums for divine messages in biblical texts, from Joseph’s interpretations in Genesis 41 to Daniel’s prophetic visions. While these scriptures affirm the importance of dreams in divine communication, they do not directly reference feces, leaving room for various interpretations and myths.

Common Myths and Their Disputations

  • Myth: Seeing Feces is Sinful or Demonic: This myth lacks biblical support. Christian doctrine teaches that dreams do not define one’s purity or sinfulness.
  • Myth: It Signifies Moral Failure: Associating feces in dreams with moral failure is another common misconception. Christianity emphasizes redemption and forgiveness through Christ, not condemnation through symbols in dreams.

Theological Interpretations and Considerations

  • Symbol of Letting Go and Purification: Some Christian interpretations suggest that feces in dreams might symbolize the need to eliminate sin or unhealthy spiritual attachments, reflecting the process of sanctification.
  • Call for Humility: Viewing feces might serve as a reminder of human mortality and fallibility, pushing the dreamer to seek humility and God’s grace.

References from the Bible:

The Bible, while a cornerstone for dream interpretation in Christianity, does not explicitly mention feces in dreams. However, the principles derived from biblical dream interpretations can be applied:

  • Genesis 41: Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams is seen as a gift from God, showcasing how dreams can be a medium for divine revelation.
  • Daniel 2 & 4: These passages further emphasize the prophetic nature of dreams and their role in God’s communication with humankind.
  • Matthew 1:20 & 2:13: They exemplify how dreams can serve as directives for protection and guidance in the Christian narrative.

In interpreting dreams about feces, it’s important for Christians to focus on prayerful discernment and understanding of the broader biblical context, rather than adhering to unfounded myths. The key is to seek a deeper spiritual meaning and direction, aligning with the overarching themes of redemption, purification, and divine sovereignty found throughout scripture.

You may also read : Spiritual Meaning of Pooping in a Dream – Good or Bad?


Seeing feces in a dream can have multifaceted meanings in a biblical context, symbolizing both the need for spiritual purification and the potential for unexpected blessings. It’s a vivid reminder of the human condition, urging introspection and a closer relationship with the divine. As with all dream interpretations, individuals are encouraged to pray and reflect on the personal significance and to consult spiritual or psychological counselors for a deeper understanding.

As you interpret your dreams, remember the biblical call to seek wisdom and understanding, ensuring that your interpretations align with the teachings and spirit of the Bible, and contribute positively to your spiritual growth and well-being.


Is seeing feces in a dream always a bad thing?

The meanings of feces in dreams can be both good and bad. Depending on the circumstances and specifics of the dream.

What should I do if I have a dream about feces?

For help deciphering the meaning of the dream and deciding how to proceed, pray, confess, let go, and seek advice from a reputable spiritual authority.

Are dreams about feces common?

Feces frequently symbolize the need for spiritual purification in dreams, which are fairly prevalent.

Can dreams about feces be a warning?

Yes, having dreams about feces can serve as a divine warning to avoid sin and impurity.

Should I be worried if I have a dream about feces?

You shouldn’t be concerned, though. Instead, take it as a chance for spiritual development and act accordingly.


  • Olivia Davis

    Olivia Davis is a well-respected author and expert in the field of dream interpretation. With over 10 years of experience in the profession, she has helped countless individuals unlock the hidden meanings behind their dreams and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their subconscious minds. Over the years, Olivia has honed her skills as a dream analyst, attending workshops and conferences, and reading extensively on the topic. She has a deep understanding of the symbolism and significance of dreams and has helped many individuals gain insight into their lives through dream interpretation.

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