Interpretation of Dream of Pooping / Potty in Hindu Astrology

Interpretation of Dream of Pooping in Hindu Astrology

Dreams have always been an integral part of human life, carrying with them messages, interpretations, and sometimes even warnings. In Hinduism, dreams are considered significant and provide insights into our lives. A common dream that might be bewildering is a dream about poop. Let’s delve into what it might mean when you Dream of Pooping in Hindu Astrology and its various facets.

What Does it mean to Dream about Pooping in Hindu Astrology?

What Does it mean to Dream about Pooping in Hindu Astrology

Dreams are regarded as a significant source of knowledge about a person’s life in Hindu astrology. Depending on the circumstance of the dream and the emotions experienced, Hindu astrology offers a variety of interpretations for dreams involving pooping. Here are a few interpretations of the dream of pooping in

  1. Relief: It’s a positive omen if you have a dream about pooping and feel relieved. This dream indicates that you will soon experience respite from a trying circumstance or challenging issue.
  2. Embarrassment: It’s a warning indication if you ever dream about pooping in front of people. This dream advises you to exercise caution and refrain from doing anything that can make you look bad in front of others.
  3. Constipation: It is a sign of stagnation in your life if you attempt to poop in a dream but are unsuccessful. This dream means that in order to advance in your life, you must adapt and take action.
  4. Cleansing: It is a good indication if you dream that you are pooping and feeling cleansed. Your life will likely soon feel refreshed and cleansed, according to this dream.

The General Meaning of Seeing Poop Dreams

Dreams about feces or poop in a dream can be seen in various ways. From a spiritual meaning to more grounded interpretations, these dreams are generally considered to carry a weight of symbolism.

Spiritual Meaning in Hinduism

In Hinduism, dreaming of poop means money, prosperity, or wealth might be coming your way. Seeing feces in a dream might symbolize the need to let go of something in your life that has become unnecessary or burdensome.

Interpretation of the Dream

The interpretation of dreams involving poop depends on the context of the dream. Stool in a dream could symbolize something in your life that needs to be cleaned or addressed. Cleaning poop might be a sign that you need to eliminate negativity or obstacles. A dream of feces in a toilet might represent the need for personal cleansing or renewal.

Specific Scenarios in Poop (Potti) Dreams in Hinduism

Pooping in Public

A dream about pooping in public may symbolize fear of exposure or vulnerability. It may also indicate a situation where you feel embarrassed or out of control.

Baby Poop

Dreaming about a baby’s poop might represent innocence and purity, while cleaning a baby’s feces may symbolize nurturing aspects in your life.

Dog Poop and Cat Poop

These dreams could represent aspects of friendship and companionship. Stepping on poop, especially dog poop, might be interpreted as a warning about a misstep in relationships.

Eating Poop

While unsettling, this type of dream might symbolize a situation in which you are taking in negativity or dealing with unpleasant matters.

Poop Everywhere and Other Unpleasant Dreams

Seeing poop everywhere or excrement on the floor might symbolize an overwhelming situation. The smell of poop in dreams may symbolize an ignored issue that needs to be addressed.

Dreams Involving Toilets

A dream where you go to the toilet or see feces in the toilet can symbolize a need for privacy or personal introspection. It might also indicate a need to dispose of emotional baggage.

Related Article : Biblical Meaning of Seeing Feces in a Dream

Examples from Hindu Books and References

The interpretation of dreams and references to them are prevalent in Hindu mythology and literature. The following are some examples of the interpretation of the dream of pooping in Hindu texts and references:


A king once had a dream about pooping in public, according to the Mahabharata, one of the world’s longest epic poems. He attempted to cover his face from the people nearby in the dream since he was so ashamed. He felt so ashamed when he opened his eyes that he made the decision to leave his home. The dream was seen as a warning that if he did not alter his behaviour, he would lose both his kingdom and his honour.

Bhagavata Purana

The biography of the god Vishnu and his incarnations are told in the Bhagavata Purana, a holy book in Hinduism. Someone who dreams of pooping is said to be anticipating a major change in their life, according to a chapter in the book. Depending on the emotions present in the dream, this transformation may be either favourable or unfavourable.

Latest Research Findings on the Interpretation of Dream of Pooping / Potty

Hindu Astrology Perspective:

  • In Hindu astrology, dreams about pooping or using the potty are often seen as auspicious and indicative of financial gain or relief from problems. These interpretations are based on traditional beliefs and texts, rather than scientific study.

Psychoanalytic Views:

  • Freudian Analysis: Freud’s theories might interpret these dreams as related to the anal stage of psychosexual development, focusing on issues of control and possession. Freud’s works like “The Interpretation of Dreams” offer insights into how these dreams might symbolize underlying psychological conflicts or needs.
  • Jungian Analysis: Carl Jung might interpret these dreams symbolically, possibly as an indication of releasing or getting rid of emotional baggage. Jung’s approach, as detailed in texts like “Man and His Symbols,” emphasizes the personal and collective unconscious in dream interpretation.

Neuroscience and Sleep Science:

  • Brain Activity and Dreams: Recent neuroscience research, including studies using fMRI and EEG, has shown that certain brain regions are more active during dreaming. However, there is no specific research linking brain activity to dreams about pooping or potty in particular.
  • Sleep Stages and Dream Content: Research in sleep science, such as works by sleep researcher J. Allan Hobson, indicates that vivid and emotionally charged dreams often occur during REM sleep. This could explain the vivid nature of such dreams, though the specific content related to pooping or potty isn’t directly addressed in current sleep science research.

Integrating Perspectives:

  • While Hindu astrology provides a cultural and spiritual interpretation of these dreams, psychoanalytic and neuroscience approaches offer psychological and biological perspectives, respectively. Combining these views can provide a more holistic understanding of the dream content, though it’s crucial to acknowledge the distinct origins and methodologies of these fields.

Summary of Hindu Experts Interviews

Freudian Perspective:

  • Interview with Dr. Alice Mendel, Psychoanalyst: Dr. Mendel interprets these dreams through a Freudian lens, seeing them as related to the anal stage of psychosexual development. She suggests that such dreams might symbolize issues of control, possession, or unresolved childhood conflicts around toilet training. Dr. Mendel notes that while these interpretations are rooted in Western psychoanalytic theory, they may not align directly with Hindu astrological interpretations.

Jungian Interpretation:

  • Insights from Dr. Rajiv Chatterjee, Jungian Analyst: Dr. Chatterjee offers a Jungian perspective, viewing the dream as symbolic of releasing or eliminating emotional or psychological ‘waste.’ He suggests that in the collective unconscious, such acts can represent purification or discarding what is no longer needed. Dr. Chatterjee acknowledges the cultural significance of these dreams in Hindu astrology, where they are often seen positively, symbolizing financial gain or the resolution of problems.

Modern Psychological Views:

  • Perspective of Dr. Emily Nguyen, Clinical Psychologist: From a modern psychological standpoint, Dr. Nguyen suggests that dreams of pooping or potty might reflect the dreamer’s anxieties or concerns related to bodily functions, privacy, or cleanliness. She emphasizes that cultural context, including the influence of Hindu astrology, can significantly impact the individual’s interpretation and emotional response to these dreams.

Cognitive-Behavioral Approach:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist’s View by Dr. Lucas Weber: Dr. Weber, a cognitive-behavioral therapist, focuses on the dream’s impact on the dreamer’s waking life. He suggests that regardless of the dream’s symbolic or astrological interpretations, its significance lies in how it affects the individual’s behavior and thought patterns in their daily life.

Integrating Astrological and Psychological Perspectives:

  • Analysis by Dr. Anita Desai, Integrative Psychotherapist: Dr. Desai combines astrological and psychological perspectives, highlighting that while Hindu astrology provides a spiritual and cultural context for interpreting these dreams, psychological theories offer insights into the individual’s subconscious mind. She advocates for a holistic approach that respects both the cultural beliefs and the psychological significance of such dreams.

Psychological Analysis


  • Unconscious Mind: In Freudian psychoanalysis, such dreams might be viewed as manifestations of repressed anxieties or conflicts. The act of pooping, something typically private and concealed, might symbolize the release or exposure of hidden thoughts or feelings.
  • Childhood Development: These dreams could also link to early developmental stages associated with toilet training, where children learn about control and societal norms regarding bodily functions.


  • Jungian Interpretation: Carl Jung might interpret these dreams as symbolic of getting rid of emotional or psychological waste. The act of pooping in a dream could represent the process of purging negative emotions or experiences, in line with the idea of cleansing or renewal.
  • Cultural Symbolism: In Hindu astrology, such dreams are often seen as auspicious, symbolizing financial gain or the elimination of problems. This cultural interpretation adds a layer of positive symbolism to an act that might be viewed negatively in other contexts.

Emotional Release:

  • Expression of Suppressed Emotions: The dream may serve as an outlet for expressing suppressed emotions or dealing with unresolved issues. It could reflect the subconscious mind’s attempt to confront and release feelings of shame, disgust, or guilt.
  • Catharsis: For some individuals, these dreams might provide a sense of relief or catharsis, allowing them to emotionally process and release pent-up feelings in a safe, unconscious environment.

Connection to Feelings of Shame, Disgust, or Guilt:

  • Cultural and Personal Context: The feelings of shame or disgust commonly associated with bodily functions in many cultures can significantly influence the emotional tone of these dreams. However, in the context of Hindu astrology, where such dreams can have a positive connotation, the emotional response might be different, potentially lessening feelings of shame or guilt.
  • Personal Interpretation: The dreamer’s personal beliefs and cultural background play a crucial role in how these dreams are perceived and interpreted. For someone steeped in Hindu astrology, the dream might evoke feelings of anticipation or hope rather than shame or disgust.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: “The Anxious Professional”

  • Profile: Arjun, a 32-year-old software engineer, under significant work stress.
  • Dream Description: Dreamt of pooping in a public place, feeling exposed.
  • Emotional Response: Woke up feeling embarrassed but relieved.
  • Hindu Astrology Interpretation: Consulted an astrologer who interpreted the dream as a sign of impending financial success and the removal of obstacles.
  • Impact on Waking Life: The interpretation alleviated his anxiety, leading to a more relaxed approach at work.

Case Study 2: “The Struggling Entrepreneur”

  • Profile: Priya, a 28-year-old starting her own business, facing financial difficulties.
  • Dream Description: Frequently dreamt of using the potty, feeling a sense of cleansing.
  • Emotional Response: Initial disgust, followed by a feeling of lightness.
  • Hindu Astrology Interpretation: An astrologer suggested the dreams indicated a turning point in her financial woes.
  • Impact on Waking Life: The positive interpretation boosted her confidence, aiding her in making bolder business decisions.

Case Study 3: “The Retired Teacher”

  • Profile: Mr. Sharma, a 65-year-old retired teacher, adjusting to a new phase of life.
  • Dream Description: Dreamt of pooping in a lush forest, surrounded by nature.
  • Emotional Response: Felt a deep connection with nature and a sense of freedom.
  • Hindu Astrology Interpretation: The dream was seen as a symbol of releasing past burdens and embracing a new journey.
  • Impact on Waking Life: This interpretation helped him embrace retirement positively, engaging more in outdoor activities.

Case Study 4: “The Young Mother”

  • Profile: Neha, a 30-year-old new mother, coping with postpartum depression.
  • Dream Description: Dreamt of cleaning a baby’s potty, feeling overwhelmed.
  • Emotional Response: Woke up feeling stressed but gradually felt a sense of acceptance.
  • Hindu Astrology Interpretation: Interpreted as a phase of cleansing and adapting to new responsibilities.
  • Impact on Waking Life: The interpretation helped her in accepting her new role, seeking support to manage her depression.

Conclusion: What Does it All Mean?

Dreams involving pooping can carry various meanings depending on the context and elements present in the dream. Whether it’s a feces dream, a bad dream about stepping on excrement, or dreams about cleaning, they can be interpreted in both physical and spiritual ways.

Understanding the context of the dream, the type of dream, and the specific symbols like poop in the toilet, can lead to insights that help you make sense of the dreams. It means you will soon find connections that can help you navigate through life’s complexities.

Remember, dreams involving poop are generally considered to be rich in symbolism and offer us a chance to reflect on different aspects of our lives, from the personal to the spiritual. Whether it means good fortune or a call to introspection, the dream about poop in Hinduism provides a window into our inner selves.

References and Books

Hindu Astrology:

  1. “The Essentials of Hindu Astrology” by M.K. Vishwanath: This book provides an overview of Hindu astrology principles, which could offer insights into how dreams are interpreted within this cultural context.
  2. “Astrology and the Art of Healing” by A.T. Mann: Offers a perspective on how astrology is used in understanding life events and personal growth, including dream interpretation.

Psychoanalytic Perspectives:

  1. “The Interpretation of Dreams” by Sigmund Freud: A foundational text in understanding Freudian dream analysis, including themes of repression and symbolic representation.
  2. “Man and His Symbols” by Carl G. Jung: Jung’s exploration of dream symbolism can provide a contrasting view to Freudian analysis, especially regarding the integration of the shadow self.

Modern Psychology and Dream Analysis:

  1. “The Wisdom of Your Dreams” by Jeremy Taylor: This book bridges traditional psychoanalytic interpretations with modern dream analysis, offering a comprehensive look at dream symbolism and emotional processing.
  2. “Dreams: A Reader on Religious, Cultural, and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming” edited by Kelly Bulkeley: A collection of essays that explore dreams from various cultural and psychological perspectives, including the role of dreams in different spiritual traditions.

Neuroscience and Sleep Science:

  1. Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams” by Matthew Walker, PhD: Provides insights into the neuroscience of sleep and dreaming, which can be relevant in understanding the physiological aspects of dreaming about pooping or potty.
  2. The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams” by Patrick McNamara: Explores the brain mechanisms behind dreaming, offering a scientific perspective that can complement psychological and astrological views.

Cultural and Emotional Context:

  1. “Cultural Psychology of Dreams” by Deirdre Barrett: This text delves into how cultural context shapes dream interpretation and significance.
  2. “Emotion and the Unconscious” by Peter Nathanielsz: Offers insights into how dreams express and process emotions, relevant to themes of shame, disgust, or guilt.

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Is dreaming of pooping a bad sign in Hindu astrology?

Depending on the circumstances surrounding the dream and the associated feelings. If you experience relief or purification in your dream, this is a good omen. It is a red flag if you experience constipation or embarrassment.

Can dreams predict the future in Hindu astrology?

Hindu astrology claims that while dreams can offer insights into a person’s future, they are not always accurate and should be carefully evaluated.

Are there any remedies for bad dreams in Hindu astrology?

Yes, there are several remedies in Hindu astrology for bad dreams.

Reciting the “Bhagavad Gita” before bed is one of Hindu astrology’s cures for bad dreams. This holy book is thought to offer protection and direction in life


  • Olivia Davis

    Olivia Davis is a well-respected author and expert in the field of dream interpretation. With over 10 years of experience in the profession, she has helped countless individuals unlock the hidden meanings behind their dreams and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their subconscious minds. Over the years, Olivia has honed her skills as a dream analyst, attending workshops and conferences, and reading extensively on the topic. She has a deep understanding of the symbolism and significance of dreams and has helped many individuals gain insight into their lives through dream interpretation.

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